Friday, January 23, 2009

Desktop Marketer Email Marketing Software

Business is tough enough without having to worry about your sales media never making it to your intended clients. I know I have woken up several mornings after a giant e-mail marketing campaign just to find that the majority of the e-mail that I sent out was undeliverable. I was upset, annoyed and irritated over the entire thing. It was a terrible waste of time for me.

As online business people you and I both know how much money can be generated by the simple activity of sending e-mail or posting and commenting on blogs. But what is the point if no one reads them? I'm glad I found Desktop Marketer Email Marketing Software. I can accredit this software for single handedly turning my e-mail blasting into 100% effective marketing!

I know - 100%! Is that even possible!? Yes, it is - especially this Software. Some of us have become experts in blogging and internet marketing but we still struggle with syndication feeds, blogging and e-mails. Those days are over. Simply put the Desktop Marketer Email Marketing Software makes everything easy, simple and to the point without having to worry about sending out unwanted e-mails.

What the Desktop Marketer Email Marketing Software is exactly is a downloadable program, much like a RSS news reader, that customers to your web site can download that will automatically receive and send out information to you - no more wasted time on your part. The great thing with the software is that there are just four steps to making this work for you:

  1. Create a simple desktop reader that will send and receive e-mail automatically. The Desktop Marketer Email Marketing Software offers a point and click way of creating these and all in under 10 minutes.
  2. Design your own icon. You can pick from templates provided or make your own. This is an awesome added feature because it gives your ads an "identity". When you send out information the software alerts the user by letting a bubble appear over the icon with the subject line.
  3. Convince visitors to your web site to download your reader. Now - this is easier than it seems. You could give it out for free but you could also sell subscriptions to your promotions by having them pay a fee for your reader every month. There are many marketing tricks available to you such as "time sensitive" materials or giving "free reports" etc. etc.
  4. Personalize the messages. Everyone wants to think they are important and if you can personalize each e-mail it makes your customers feel appreciated. This Software makes this very easy for you to do.

If the software wasn't enough they are throwing in many advanced features that you normally had to pay for like expiration dates on offers, sending multiple promotions, set up dates and times for delivery, specific delivery groups and a lot more. If that wasn't enough there are five other bonuses they are throwing in including 68 customized desktop reader icons. This software is priceless for anyone who is trying to make their mark on the internet sales front.

Brian Garvin and Jeff W

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