Friday, April 3, 2009

Best Remote Access Software

Let me tell you my own story that led me to do my own search for the best remote access software out there. About three years ago my wife gave birth to our second child. I work from home, and the only extra room in the house happened to be my home office.

So as you can probably guess, the new baby kind of took over my office space, and by extension, also took over my main desktop computer. Now normally this would not have been a problem, since we also have two laptops in the house. But what happened was is I basically found that it was becoming more and more of a waste of time to have to keep transferring files back and forth between the two computers.

What I needed, at least until we worked out a solution that would let my new son get the sleep he needed while still giving me access to my computer during the evening, was a way to access the main computer even when I couldn't necessarily access my office.

Enter remote access software. I have to admit that I was a bit skeptical that it would even work at first. You know how things are with computers -- there's ALWAYS something that gets screwed up and requires some calls to a support line. (And if you're lucky, whoever is on the other end of the line will actually speak the same language as you.)

So it was with that in mind that I downloaded and installed some of the remote access packages that I found online. I'll get to the ones that I think are the absolute best in the second, but first I just wanted to give you an idea of how these things work.

So, like I said, here I was all ready to be completely frustrated because this plug-in or that update or the other pre-requisite software wasn't installed properly and the installation of my remote access software wasn't going to work as it should.

I could not have been more wrong. I am not kidding when I tell you that this was one of the first times I had ever truly been blown away by what a piece of software could do.

I would say it took probably about 10 minutes before I was completely set up, logged in, and -- I am NOT kidding you -- controlling my desktop computer from my laptop. Now, I want to be clear about this -- I'm not talking about "sort of" or "virtually" being able to get to files on my main computer. I'm talking about literally controlling that computer, and everything about it, remotely.

I'm pretty lucky because, as I said, I do get to work from home, so in a true emergency if I really ever needed to get back into my office to get to my computer I certainly could (my son would have just had to miss a few minutes of sleep that night). But for people who don't have it as good as I do -- who live 15 minutes or half an hour or a full hour away from their office -- I can see how this kind of program could be an absolute lifesaver. Not to mention a relationship saver if your significant other doesn't like your workaholic tendencies.

All in all I do have to say that remote access software in general is some of the most impressive stuff I've come across in recent years (the other being voice-recognition dictation software -- but that's for another article; you wouldn't believe this stuff!) and it definitely does work as advertised, as long as you get a quality package.

I tried out a bunch of remote access software and narrowed the list of programs you should try down to only two. And here's the best part -- you can get the one I think is the absolute best for free. Go right here now: Best Remote Access Software to watch my video review of the package I recommend (and to get the link where you can download it for free.)

There's also this video I found on YouTube that also covers the Best Remote Access Software.

Hope this helps and good luck as always!

Harry J. Andersohn

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