Friday, April 10, 2009

Free Anonymous Web Surfing Or Anonymous Surfing Software - Which Way to Go?

The internet has become integral part of our lives and most people use it on a daily basis to conduct shopping, banking, visit personal websites, play games, chat etc. Many of these activities require you to enter secret passwords or information which you probably don't want anyone to know or see.

Well guess what, every move you make on the internet, all the websites you visit, all of your personal information, it is all being logged and can be easily tracked down. This done via your IP address and all your records and data are stored and held by your Internet Service Providers (ISP's), these can be easily bought and obtained by a third party if they wanted. Now you are probably wondering is there a way to Surf the Web completely anonymously and have all your identity hidden. Yes there is, and there are both Free Anonymous Web Surfing options and Anonymous surfing Software Available at your disposal to choose from.

So which is the best Way To Go, should you use Free Web Based Anonymizers or grab a hold of some good Software? Let's take a quick look at both options and see which one is more effective in completely hiding your identity and keeping your web surfing experience completely anonymous.

Free Anonymous web surfing can be conducted using surfing tools commonly known as web anonymizers or web based proxies. They are usually completely free to use and the process is fairly simple, you go to the proxy website and type in the address of the website you wish to visit. The proxy website will then redirect you to the destination site, which will see the proxy servers IP address instead of yours. Now this may seem like an ideal solution however in reality these proxy websites are not as helpful as they seem. Just searching for a legit proxy website can be a frustrating and unpleasant experience on its own. If you are lucky enough to avoid the phony proxy sites that have been deliberately set up to trap the "devious anonymous surfer" by some extra savvy Identity thieves, then you may run into a server which has been specifically set up to track your surfing habits in order to email you a bunch of targeted SPAM.

Those who do manage to find a clean and legitimate free proxy website eventually give up using it because it is too slow or incredibly unreliable. You see web based anonymizers are a convenient option if you are an occasional web surfer, however if you continually use the internet on a regular basis then going back and forth by always having to use a proxy website can become quite annoying and tedious. Another Problem with web based proxy servers is that most of them are not enabled to function with SSL or SSH encryption. That means you cannot connect to most secure connections, such as conducting internet banking or doing shopping over the Web.

If you really want to surf the internet with complete anonymity then you need fast secure anonymous surfing software. These commercial programs are systems that you install on your system and they are constantly working to keep your identity completely hidden. They have the ability to switch proxies seamlessly with no effort, and all of your web traffic is encrypted from the client and back again. This is the only proper way to remain completely anonymous online and your ISP logs will be completely secure and unreadable by any third party.

The best anonymous surfing software's out there will not only be able to function with SSL or SSH encrypted sites in order to ensure the safest web surfing experience, but they will also protect you from other web based applications such as IM messengers or emails.

So if you are deciding whether you should engage in Free Anonymous Web Surfing or invest in some good Anonymous Surfing Software then first of all you need to figure out how much internet privacy and security really mean to you. If you are an occasional user who only uses the internet to surf some recreational websites then a free service may be efficient. However if you conduct regular electronic activities over the web such as internet banking, paying bills, buying products etc. then you may want to seriously consider investing in a good Anonymous Surfing Software. The good news is that they are fairly inexpensive and most programs offer a free trial download so you can test drive the software at no cost.

Concerned about the Privacy and safety of your computer, looking to Surf the Web Completely Anonymously? Well with the Right Anonymous Surfing Tools you can do so quite easily these days. Find out How to Hide Your IP Address for Free and surf the web with your identity fully hidden.

Vikram Singh

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