Thursday, April 9, 2009

XsitePro2 Web Design Software

If you're marketing online, you'll no doubt need at least one site, if not now, at least in the near future. Most marketers actually have the need for multiple sites eventually. Also, unless you already know HTML, CSS, PHP and even some of the other programming languages, you'll find that having to learn it all is a lot to take on to your already busy marketing schedule.

I've found that instead of having to learn to build Websites manually (coding), there's a much better way. A good WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) Web design software program is one of the best investments the online business person can make. Instead of having to spend countless hours learning to program, or spending a great deal of money every time that you need a site built, or updated, a good point and click WYSIWYG program is worth it's price many times over.

One of the most popular offerings is Adobe's Dreamweaver, and is the choice of many professional Webmasters. However, it is a relatively expensive piece of software, and does have a steep learning curve. It is a very capable package that has been around for many years, and being manufactured by Adobe has also added to it's great popularity.

However, if you're wanting something that is probably a little more geared for the affiliate marketer or anyone needing to create full-featured, easily built Websites, there's another fantastic software package called XsitePro, now in version 2. It's a very robust program that includes practically any option that the user could want or need. Whether you're an Internet Marketer needing sales pages or full content niche sites, a hobby user, someone needing a personal Website, or a professional needing to build a full blown corporate site, this software can do the job at hand. XsitePro2 is very reasonably priced, but yet has everything you could possibly want.

Some of the features include...automated Amazon and AdSense ads, easy audio and video insertion, top-notch SEO analysis, a project management function that allows the user to have multiple projects with each having multiple Websites, and hundreds of available templates allowing the user to change the look and feel of a site in just seconds. These are just a small sample of the many wonderful capabilities of XsitePro2.

For the price, features, ease of use and versatility, XsitePro2 is at the top of the heap when it comes to WYSIWYG Web Design Software programs.

Why pay more for the often over-hyped software. XSitePro2 is the most full-featured, easy to use Web design software package presently on the market. It's price/performance ratio makes it a true bargain.
You should definitely consider XSitePro2 if you're in the market for a WYSIWYG HTML site generation software tool.

Jeffrey Norris

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